How to Tell If Your Pet Needs Immediate Veterinary Care

As a pet parent, we want the best for our furry friends. Because of this, we feel bad when they are injured or ill. But how can we tell when our pets need immediate medical attention? Since our pets can’t verbally tell us when they need to visit the veterinarian, it is up to us to recognize pet symptoms needing the vet. The team at PetSmart Veterinary Services – Alpharetta put together this guide to help you know how to tell if your pet is sick enough to require veterinary assistance:
Significant Changes in Eating Habits
While it’s normal for an animal to occasionally skip a meal or eat a little bit extra, significant changes in your pet’s eating habits can be a sign of an underlying issue. If the food bowl is still full after a few days, for example, it might be time to call the veterinarian. Pets stop eating when something is wrong, so these changes give you a clue it’s time to intervene.
Like humans, your dog or cat could experience a temporary upset stomach after eating something or even from feeling anxiety. Chronic vomiting, however, is another sign that something might be very wrong with your pet’s system. In fact, if it happens enough, it could be a sign of a pet emergency. If the vomiting happens more than twice within a few hours, it is time to call the vet.
Open Wounds or Active Bleeding
If your pet has an open wound, especially one that is actively bleeding, you should call your vet immediately. Injuries like these often require urgent pet care attention, so it’s important to contact your veterinarian as soon as possible. They will give you further instructions about whether or not they can handle it, or if you need to visit an emergency hospital.
Difficulty Breathing
Breathing troubles are always considered a pet emergency, and require immediate veterinary attention. If your dog or cat is struggling to breathe properly, do not wait to call your veterinarian. The faster you can get medical attention, the better.
Potential Toxic Ingestion
Some common household toxins that can severely impact your pet’s health are:
- Toxic plants, especially lilies for cats
- Chocolate
- Nuts
- Household cleaners
- Antifreeze
If you suspect that your pet has ingested something toxic, please call your vet as soon as possible. Every second counts in these scenarios.
PetSmart Veterinary Services – Alpharetta is proud to be here for all your pet care needs. Our talented and knowledgeable team prioritizes the care of every pet we see to ensure we are doing everything for their best interest. Please call (770) 759-0692 to learn more—we are accepting new clients!